God’s Word replaces toxic thinking!

What is God-based counseling? It is using the Word of God to replace toxic thinking. Toxic thinking comes from the devil. He delights in placing negative thoughts in our minds about our life and experiences. He wants to rob our joy in the Lord. Every counselor is different because of his/her knowledge of God, life experiences and education. As a teacher of God’s Word over 50 years and as a Certified Pastoral Counselor for 24 years, God’s Word has the answers to life’s brokenness. I have witnessed God’s spiritual healing mercies for thousands of people who chose to follow and believe God’s truth.

Romans 12: 1 & 2 are foundational scriptures for my counseling. Verse one instructs born again believers to present our bodies as a living sacrifice unto God that is our reasonable worship. True worship is living our life moment by moment reflecting the glory of God. We must be responsible to God for our thoughts, feelings and actions. Our life either gives glory to God or takes glory away from God.

Verse two is God’s instruction for spiritual, emotional and relational growth. We can be transformed by renewing our minds with God’s truth. When we know the truth, the truth shall set us free – free from stinkin-thinkin! We are to be renewed in the spirit of our mind! Feeding on the Word of God daily is a must for walking in victory. We must develop an intimate relationship with God with a constant internal dialogue with Him. We must filter everything we say and do through God. Victory over porn addiction happens through an intimate relationship with Him! No one can glorify God in his or her body and spirit (1 Cor. 6: 18-20) using porn and satisfying self sexually. God’s Word and Spirit has the power to destroy toxic addictions. Choosing God in our thoughts and actions breaks the cycle of addiction.

Science has proven that 75 – 98% of illnesses are due to toxic thinking – Dr. Caroline Leaf. God says as a man thinks in his heart so is he. God says death and life are in the power of the tongue. Science has proven when we think and speak negative our brain creates blackness that affects the physical body as well as spirit. When we think and speak positive, our brain lightens up and produces new connectors. Science is catching up to the wisdom of God. It’s God’s truth and power that transforms and heals hearts, souls, minds and bodies! Speak God’s truth to replace toxic thinking!

We must ask, “What is God’s truth?” about any situation. Abuse victims feel they are worthless, helpless, hopeless, unlovable, etc. God’s truth is that we are not defined by our past hurt and pain. We are now a new creation in God. We were created in His image and likeness and are washed by His blood. New is defined as unused without fault. God’s truth does replace toxic thoughts! We must allow God’s truth to invade our hearts and minds for a complete transformation in Him!

© Carol Clemans – www.carolclemans.org – 320+ articles, ‘about ministry’ page is bio of ministry, education, life & ministry references. Teaching products. Book: God’s Design for Marriage. Bible conference speaker. Provides nationwide counseling by phone/Skype (636) 448-0121. Ref: Pastor Daniel Batchelor, Dupo, IL. Live teaching on Carol Clemans You Tube channel.

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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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