PASTORS: Off-campus counseling ministry support is available!

Pastors, I have a unique ministry that is able to provide off-campus ministry assistance nationwide by phone or Skype. (I do travel nationwide and speak for churches and conferences). This off-campus ministry is providing the service of a Certified Pastoral Counselor for your church members in co-counseling with you in your office through Skype (face-to-face) or counseling your referred members directly under your supervision.

When Pastor Kenneth Haney brought me on his staff at Christian Life Center in 1992 in Stockton, California, he told me that if most ministers would admit it, they are not skilled in helping people with emotional or relational issues. This does not take away from their theological knowledge. For the 10 years that I provided a counseling ministry for CLC, including one-year practicum, Pastor Haney would tell me, “I’m not sure what you do, but I know it is good because I see it in the people.” (I taught six years at Christian Life College, one subject being “Principles of Counseling” under Dr. Daniel Segraves). As a Certified Pastoral Counselor, my therapy is the Word of God.

I have a counseling/teaching ministry in three areas: 1. Traveling and teaching for churches and conferences. 2. Providing nationwide confidential phone/Skype counseling open to all – also have home counseling office for those who live in my area.  3. Providing off-campus counseling/teaching support for pastors of churches who would like to be benefitted by a skilled counselor to co-counsel through Skype in his/her office or refer his members for counseling under his supervision.

I’ve had the delightful experience to teach for churches through Skype in the states and in Sweden. If you have Internet in your church, Skype can be projected on a big screen for live teaching, Q & A sessions, and prayer.  I do travel and teach on-site, but teaching through Skype saves travel/housing expenses for the local church – it’s a new idea, but works wonderful.

It’s the teaching of the Word of God and knowing how to apply God’s truth to the hurting heart that is my joy in ministry. Many people sitting on our church pews are saved, but hurting. Because of painful experiences in the past – abuse of all types, relationship failures, etc., Satan has robbed their joy in the Lord. This paralyzes their relationships with God, self and others. They fight the painful emotions of low self-worth – feeling they are worthless, helpless, hopeless, and unlovable even though they have the Holy Ghost. Note: Please read article posted on – “The Causes for Distorted God-Concepts.”

God’s inner healing comes through His Word: Romans 12: 1&2 – “we are transformed by renewing our mind” through God’s truth. In Christ, we are His Special Treasure! We are His royal priesthood and a holy nation! In Christ, there is now no condemnation!  Hurting people feel a sense of guilt – it’s a false guilt that is fed by the lies of Satan.  Hurting people can experience great anxiety and fear and not realize it is rooted in the emotional pain of their past. Emotional healing is a process by changing the way a person thinks through God’s Word! People must make the choice of not defining self by the past, but defining self now in God’s truth!

On a monthly basis, I will be adding new teaching DVD’s to my website for purchase to help equip the church to become healing helpers. I’ve been teaching God’s Word for over 50 years. After the completion of my Bible-based counseling education in 1992, it greatly expanded my ability to know how to use the Word of God to help the wounded soul.  God’s removes our sins at salvation, but He does not remove our experiences, memories or emotions. The devil fights us in the battle arena of the mind. When we understand how to apply God’s Word to the wounded heart, we can be transformed by renewing the mind – Romans 12: 1 & 2.

Pastor Daniel Batchelor (UPCI, Ed. Div.) of Dupo, Illinois, is on my board of directors and fully believes in my ministry. Pastors, if you would like a free DVD of my teaching call – (636) 448-0121. I will send you my DVD: Jesus, the Healer of Our Brokenness. Go to my website: for bio, teaching products: book – God’s Design for Marriage.

 © Carol Clemans – January 2014 – Em:  – Currently living in Madison, MS – Bishop Jerry Dillon, Pastor. Supt. David Tipton, Jr. of Mississippi refers pastors to me for my counseling/teaching ministry.



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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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