Are you doing or watching worthless things?

Are you doing or watching worthless things?

Psalm 119: 37 NLT – Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word. This scripture stopped me in my tracks as I was reading Psalm 119. Worthless = having no real value or use. What do we do with our time that is completely valueless or useless?

I have been teaching from God’s Word over 50 years. I have counseled thousands of people as a Certified Pastoral Counselor for 25 years. A major issue I see within the church of the living God is a lack of personal daily reading and studying God’s Word by individuals of all ages. A majority of Holy Ghost filled individuals does not seem to know how to develop an intimate relationship with God on an hour-by-hour basis. Praying always – an ongoing daily dialogue with God.

Preachers have confessed to me that they do not study the Word of God other than in preparing for a message. In this confession, they are admitting that they do not have an intimate relationship with God. Paul told the people of Athens “in Him we live and move and have our being.”

God must be in the middle of every thought, feeling and action. We must filter our thoughts through God first to create godly feelings that will produce godly words and actions. I want life through God’s Word! The only way I can receive life through God’s Word is my daily discipline of eating (feeding) God’s Word daily!

I know that life can be busy with family, work, children, even church activity, but there is no excuse for not being a feeder of God’s Word. We all have 168 hours in a week. If we went to church 8 hours a week, if we slept 60 hours a week, if we worked 50 hours and week, we would still have 50 hours (outside of work, sleep, and church attendance) to do something worthwhile. What are you doing with your 50 hours a week? Are you in an intimate relationship with God talking to Him and reading His anointed Word daily?

Technology has robbed some families from intimate relationships with God. Computers, iPads, iPhones through the Internet and Wi-Fi are robbing fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters precious time that they could be spending with God through His Word and prayer! They may pray over their dinner and say a ‘goodnight’ prayer to Jesus, but the majority of parents are not sharing God’s Word with their children on a daily basis showing how to apply God’s truth into practical daily life – Deut. 6.

How many hours in your day are worthless? What are you viewing that is worthless? A man who claims a godly life has recently told his wife that he wants a divorce for no specific reason. He comes home daily and spends his waking hours playing video games until he goes to bed. This is an addiction to games that is worthless. The prayer of the psalmist said, “Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word.”

            I’m writing this article on my MacBookPro computer while I’m watching General Conference on my iPhone. I use the Internet to post godly postings on my Facebook ministry, personal and group pages for the glory of God. I post ‘God-posts’ daily on a total of 12 Apostolic Facebook pages that covers about 140,000 people. I use my iPhone daily counseling people nationwide with God’s truth. I post all my articles and teaching videos on my website This modern technology can be used for God’s glory, but we need to be careful about the worthless time we spend on the Internet, DVD’s, etc.

On Carol Clemans YouTube channel there are 100+ videos of my speaking or teaching God’s truth on the Internet. Everything we do needs to be done for the glory of God in our body and spirit – 1 Cor. 6: 18-20. My counseling is unique because I’m a conduit of the Word of God. We can be transformed and healed in our mind, heart, and soul through God’s Word – Romans 12: 1&2.

I pray this challenges you to talk to God about your time and your relationship with Him. God came from glory in a robe of flesh and died on the cross to provide us a salvation experience that will transform us to an eternity with Him ruling and reigning with Him in the new heaven and new earth. This is my prayer, Psalm 119: 37 NLT – Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word! Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready?


© Carol Clemans – Bible Teacher/Certified Pastoral Counselor/Certified Christian Life Coach/Certified Sexual Addiction Recovery Facilitator/Ordained Minister.

I love teaching God’s Word for churches/conferences. I teach Marriage Seminars from my book: GOD’S DESIGN FOR MARRIAGE – purchase @ or eBook on

Daily I provide nationwide confidential God-based counseling by phone, Factime, Facebook video, Skype – read ‘about ministry’ page – (636) 448-0121.

Watch 100 teaching videos on Carol Clemans YouTube channel.w

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Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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